Redemption Ark by Alastair Reynolds My rating: 3 of 5 stars Redemption Ark This novel is in the Revelation Space series by Alastair Reynolds. As usual, I won't go into the plot because it can be found on the internet. However, I would like to share some observations that I noticed in the book or in the novel. In one of my reviews, I mention Chasm City and I called it Total Recall on steroids. In this book, we see how the revelation space universe evolved. The concept is not new. Humanity develops the ability to merge with his technology to live longer. They have a hive mentality similar to the Borg but with a difference. The Borg in Star Trek is directed by a queen or primary individual and all Borg are subject to the queen forcefully. There is no independent thought among them except that of the queen. The Conjoiners is also a collective but the members have a certain degree of independence it is almost like having the internet wired to your brain. Knowledge is shared but your ...
Don't be fooled by the Title. It is all about me... sometimes.