Yakitori: Soldiers of Misfortune is a 2023 original anime series produced by Netflix. It is an adaptation of the light novel of the same name by Carlo Zen. The series follows Akira, a young man from Earth who enlists in the Yakitori, a planetary orbital infantry force, in order to escape his impoverished life. The series has been praised for its high-quality animation, fluid action sequences, and complex characters. However, it has also been criticized for its short runtime (only six episodes), which prevents it from fully exploring some of the interesting themes presented in the story. Overall, Yakitori: Soldiers of Misfortune is a solid anime series that is worth checking out for fans of military science fiction and action. However, viewers should be aware that the series is relatively short and does not have a complete ending.
Don't be fooled by the Title. It is all about me... sometimes.