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Showing posts from July, 2017

Yesteryear... Another Assignment for Health class on STD's

1)Given that all STDs are predominantly in the 15-24 age group and that many do not manifest symptoms, what can be done to help mitigate the spread of these diseases? It would be nice if one said education. But we all know education has not stopped or mitigated STDs. The media the commercial media promote sex at they promote taking a cup of coffee in the morning. How many Americans are aware that coffee is addictive? My personal opinion is that big pharmaceutical corporations would not be happy if a real solution to STDs would be found. As long as coffee exist people will drink it. As long as the media promote sex is the greatest thing since sliced bread, teenagers and young adults will engage in it. And as long as big pharmaceutical companies can make a profit off of STDs. You won't see any effort in the media to reveal the truth of how devastating having one of these diseases can be. In fact, you don't see much about HIV anymore. One commercial here one commercial there. ...
Five Internet Changes that would be Beneficial The five changes that would be influential to the internet has to do more with people than technology. First, I would like to see parental responsibility where parents have a balanced viewpoint of internet technologies with their children followed by institutional responsibility, institutions such as schools and so forth at colleges and Universities, third commercial responsibility and then government accountability and personal accountability. When studying the five changes that I would like to see with the internet it is essential to consider the role of parents and children. There are many tools that have been developed to be used by parents and by children. For the parents, there is Hardware and software to monitor their kids some of the software and hardware assist parents to basically spy on their kid's activity while on the internet. If you search the web you will see many different types of tools for this one activity...