My rating: 4 of 5 stars
The Three-Body Problem (novel)
Definitely, this book is for readers who understand science specifically particle physics. There is no Technobabble like Star Trek or other well-known shows where science while mentioned is not that important to the plot. In my opinion, you really need to know science as it is taught today. I am not going to bore anybody with the plot because it can be looked up on Wikipedia and web pages.
I can tell you in addition to the plot that the novel handles a First Contact situation between two civilizations in a brand new an interesting way. This is why it is good to sometime read novels or books from other cultures. It opens up one mind to various viewpoints even though the science may be the same. The physical constants of the universe just don't change however it becomes better understood.
It is also refreshing to read a novel from a modern-day writer that excludes the typical violence and saturated sex scenes that is becoming more and more typical with today's science fiction in the western theaters. No Doubt reading this book reminds one of what hardcore science fiction is really about.
If one is really into science and science fiction I highly recommend this book.
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