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Anvil of the stars

Anvil of Stars by Greg Bear My rating: 3 of 5 stars This book is the continuation of "Forge of God". Not getting too much into the plot, we see now that the benefactors and preservers of the Human race train children to get revenge, under some sort of alien law of some sort of organization or empire. This reminds me of the book "Ender's Game". Where children with special skills are trained to exterminate an alien race that in appearance wants to destroy humanity. In Ender's game, the children commit xenocide as children. In Anvil of Stars, they are trained as children but are young adults; they actually grow up in their ship and create their own culture while being tutored by AI's, and as young adults apply the sentence of the law to the destroyers of humanity. View all my reviews

The Forge of God

The Forge of God by Greg Bear My rating: 3 of 5 stars It was interesting to read. But the subject matter is not new. The earth is a background and part of an interstellar war that has been going on for a while. You have Aliens destroying the earth, and Aliens who want to save it. The ones who want to save it arrive too late and start a program to preserve the most that they can. I am interested in the tech depicted in the book. I find the mind-controlling spiders kind of cool. In the end, not everyone is saved, only a small group. The story continues in the book, The Anvil of stars. View all my reviews

Ilium and Olympos

These books bring out modern science and entangled them with Greek mythology. Where gods are not gods, robots are not robots, and humans are not humans. The only thing common among them all is science and technology and it's used in different phases. This is not new among science fiction writers. Dan Simmons wrote a very good story. In this particular book, we see what it's called selective evolution, where humans select how they're going to advance or evolve. The So-called greek gods in appearance look like they are the most advanced of the human species. On the Kardashev Scale, they would be a Type IV. There is a type V civilization mentioned in the second book of Olympos. It is called "The Quiet". The Quiet has servants, that is a bit more powerful than the Greek gods themselves but I think they're still on a class IV civilization. The Greek gods or the post-humans pretending to be Greek gods can move from one Universe to another. It is not clear to me ...

Nemesis by Isaac Asimov

Nemesis by Isaac Asimov My rating: 3 of 5 stars Nemesis by Isaac Asimov I consider myself a fan of Isaac Asimov literature, I know the robots and Empire series by heart as well as the foundation series. Asimov in his prologue wanted to go in a different direction with his novel nemesis. But then he hinted that maybe Nemesis and follow up novels would tie everything to one Asimov universe. It seems to me that Isaac Asimov was always interested in the Progressive future of humanity as a collective. You may have noticed that he also was behind the woman's right to progress to her full potential, but with taste. The protagonist and supporting characters are mostly females. I say females because the protagonist was a child of 15 not a full adult. I don't want to get the impression that I'm some sort of sexist but I try to use the proper wording the best way I can. It was a woman astronomer who discovered a star closer to earth. A woman who discovered superluminal flight. A g...

Beyond the Blue Event Horizon and Heechee rendezvous...

Beyond the Blue Event Horizon and Heechee rendezvous... Both interesting novels by Frederik Pohl. As with my other reviews, I really will not get in too much into the plot anybody could look up the plot on the internet today, Wikipedia something like that. With me, it's always the technology that thrills me in the story. If one had the opportunity to read some of the Gateway stories it will be understood that the primary cause of the story has to do with humans finding ancient technology from an advanced civilization. And the way individuals make their money in this universe is by taking the risk of getting on to advanced spaceships and then going to the destination that the ships had in their navigation computers and returning and of course in returning if you bring something of value the more money you earn. The plot centers around an individual whose name is Robin who took some risk and became wealthy. The other side of the Plot has to do with his ex-girlfriend who got stuc...