These books bring out modern science and entangled them with Greek mythology. Where gods are not gods, robots are not robots, and humans are not humans. The only thing common among them all is science and technology and it's used in different phases. This is not new among science fiction writers. Dan Simmons wrote a very good story.
In this particular book, we see what it's called selective evolution, where humans select how they're going to advance or evolve. The So-called greek gods in appearance look like they are the most advanced of the human species. On the Kardashev Scale, they would be a Type IV. There is a type V civilization mentioned in the second book of Olympos. It is called "The Quiet". The Quiet has servants, that is a bit more powerful than the Greek gods themselves but I think they're still on a class IV civilization.
The Greek gods or the post-humans pretending to be Greek gods can move from one Universe to another. It is not clear to me if they found another Earth-like planet with a parallel history or out of boredom they recreated an Earth-like planet with a version of the Trojan War for their own entertainment. The book calls the planet Ilium Earth. I would lean towards the re-creation scenario. Because one of the principal characters a professor Hockenberry himself indicated that he was recreated or resurrected through various means like DNA, and computer files of his work.
It seemed also that's the post-humans or Greek gods terraform part of the planet Mars in our universe, and they set up camp on Mount Olympos. It becomes apparent so call Immortal gods can get hurt and they can die but they have the technology to fix themselves when they run into a life-threatening situation. And even that is suspect. There are other post-humans out there. That may be as powerful or more than the Greek gods. But they have another agenda.
Another branch off of the human species is named called the Moravec. These creatures were named after Hans P. Moravec. They are actually Cyborgs that live in the Jovian system and have their own culture and Society they seem to be almost as powerful as the Greek gods when it comes to technology but they are more of a type II civilization socially. In some book reviews, they are called robots. It seemed that the difference between cyborgs and robots is their origin. The Moravec seems to be robots but with human parts. I wonder if that still falls under the definition of cyborg. In the books, they talked about themselves and their designs they refer to having organic parts.
Then we have the normal humans. Well, we can call them pre gods? But how normal are they? They live on earth they can only live up to 100 years of age and have a civilization that according to the book is hedonistic in nature. Are they really human? I would say they are barely a Class 1 civilization type. And it seems that they were kept as pets and abandon eventually by the post-humans even though they were also left with a caretaker which is, in essence, an artificial intelligence.
Like others of Dan Simmons book the Plot is really weird and I won't get into it but I did enjoy the book or books which allows my imagination to float around out there I hope you have enjoyed the books as well if not get a chance to read them when you can
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