My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Revolt in 2100 is a 1953 science fiction collection by American writer Robert A. Heinlein, part of his Future History series. Interestingly when one looks at social political items in sci-fi what comes to mind is Isaac Asimov with his foundation series We know his foundation series is based on the Roman Empire and the decay from within. Robert Heinlein talks about the future in the United States.
It's interesting because in the United States you have a lot of different groups of people that have different philosophies. Religion, Science and Atheism, etc. Heinlein wrote stories for his series in the middle of the 1940s and thought about what would happen if the United States became a theocracy. The short novel, "If This Goes On is a story about a rebellion against The theocracy. Wiki writes this " The Story served as the vehicle for Heinlein to criticize the authoritarian potential of Protestant Christian fundamentalism. The work is not an attack on religion in general, however, as he has a Mormon community take part in the anti-theocratic revolt."
He makes a distinction between people who are abusive in leadership and sincere believers. When abuse is discovered in the leadership it causes those who have real faith in religion to have serious doubts. one may guess this is about correct in all religions.
In the second story, he writes about people who don't conform to society and society's reaction. In this story which is related to the first one, society creates an environment That is called the Covenant or Coventry People don't conform, society is removed from the nonconformist. Normally you think about removing the individual from society but it doesn't happen in this second story so you might be interested in reading about it. The third story talks about a boy genius who is apparently group along with other children, these children are sent off into space to work in mines.
It reminds the reader, of the United States back in the day when you had what is called child labor at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th. Many people don't know about that particular dark part of history in the United States. I wonder if they will talk about that in the canceled culture that we live in today.
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