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Showing posts from September, 2021

Picard: The Last Best Hope

The Last Best Hope by Una McCormack My rating: 4 of 5 stars If one is a fan of the Star Trek universe and has already seen the series, Picard. The book "Star Trek, Picard: The best Last Hope." it's a very good book to read. It is a prequel to the TV series and it has a very good explanation of why Picard resigned from Starfleet. Many of you who do read a lot of Star Trek novels are aware that Star Trek normally reflects the social-economical cultures of the current time that we live in. This book is no exception. It deals with the following: Unforeseen natural disasters. Migration due to natural disasters and climate change. Political instability. Novel technologies to aid in rectifying the effects of natural disasters, and their misuse. En Fin, to understand the Picard series TV drama this book is a must to read. View all my reviews

Faith... Second read. I was bored.

Faith by John Love My rating: 4 of 5 stars A unique story even for science fiction. It is a military science fiction story, but the way the plot goes will definitely play with your head. Many readers enjoy trying to determine in what direction the plot will go. Don't try it, (but you will if you decide). Each character who is a member of the ship "Charles Manson" is...well... insane but they are geniuses. The book promo goes like this: ==Faith. Moby Dick meets Duel in John Love's...== No, not even close. As for the hard science you have: * Realistic aliens, one species are asexual they reproduce by pathogenesis. Another alien species is a herbivore and are the dominant species on a planet of carnivores. * Unique Weapons, as mentioned in other blog summaries every author wants to distinguish themselves. The same goes for FTL drives. Social sciences: * Social deviants due to childhood abuse independent of their background. They are the ultimate weapon. It reminds me ...

Terms of Service

Terms of Service: Subject to change without notice by Craig Stanfill My rating: 3 of 5 stars This is a unique story. It is kind of a slow read at the beginning. One may even stop reading it. I know I would have. But I was interested in the computer science of artificial intelligence. So I kept on reading. Once you get involved with the plot and the aspect of how artificial intelligence is used you may find it fascinating. In fact, what you read in the book is very close to how artificial intelligence is used today. I hate to say this, but the book does hit on the "woke" Society of today as well. So I guess it may be said that's social sciences is also part of the book. As for the science, this is what you may find. * Artificial intelligence. * Smart appliances: -House-bots. -Refrigerators microwave combo. The appliance decides for you what are your nutritional needs and feed you even when you don't like the menu. * Virtual reality. Total immersion. The Orwellian...

The Lost Destroyer (Lost Starship Series Book 3) and The Lost Colony (Lost Starship Series Book 4)

Hello there... In regards to the Lost starship series. I have already read books three and four. No doubt it gets better, but it gets boring, in the sense that the story is good but the author builds up old subjects. It almost seems the plot becomes predictable. The author and I'm not criticizing him in a negative way probably grabs every science-fiction concept out there and mash them together. Now if you don't know the science and hard science fiction, go on with the series but if you do know the science and hard science fiction you can see the holes in this plot. Here are some of his borrowed concepts" 1) The better chess player Theory. "there will always be a player that is better than you even if you're the top of your class. You haven't found him yet". The author builds on his previous concepts. 2) The unhackable AI. "if somebody wrote the program somebody else can hack it" 3) Imposter androids, "I leave this on for you to f...