In regards to the Lost starship series. I have already read books three and four. No doubt it gets better, but it gets boring, in the sense that the story is good but the author builds up old subjects. It almost seems the plot becomes predictable. The author and I'm not criticizing him in a negative way probably grabs every science-fiction concept out there and mash them together. Now if you don't know the science and hard science fiction, go on with the series but if you do know the science and hard science fiction you can see the holes in this plot.
Here are some of his borrowed concepts"
1) The better chess player Theory. "there will always be a player that is better than you even if you're the top of your class. You haven't found him yet". The author builds on his previous concepts.
2) The unhackable AI. "if somebody wrote the program somebody else can hack it"
3) Imposter androids, "I leave this on for you to fill out."
In the end I actually lost interest in the series, there will be other books that I can read and maybe on occasion I will come back to his series.
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