MD Cooper and James Aaron
Instead of writing a review for book each book, I thought it would be appropriate to write about the whole series. As usual I will not write much about the plot but I will write about the technology and somethings that I find fascinating over my long time as a science fiction reader.
The Sentience wars is about two types of artificial intelligence.“ AI as we know it today and the one that self aware. The latter are called the sentient ones and the way they are manufactured are unique.Children are used. Their neural networks are copied and reconstructed into an electronic device called a seed. The seed then becomes part of aI system and it's growth is accelerated. This creates unique AI's.
Of course like any free of this nature these devices are used for... Weapons and they are called The Weapon-born. This particular series has to do with a particular AI called Lyssa. If you're into artificial intelligence I would recommend this series.
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