My rating: 4 of 5 stars
If you're knowledgeable in the Star Wars universe this book may be appealing to you. The plot centers on the background of the Empire grand Admiral Thrawn.
The novel was written by Timothy Zahn. He has written many Star Wars and Star Trek books as well as other sci-fi. and fantasy novels.
I consider Star Wars more of fantasy than hard science fiction. That is my personal viewpoint. Reading the book has altered my thinking a bit.
An example of this, is the development of the Chiss in an astronomical anomaly. And at this point in time they know of the Republic but they were not part of it. They explain exactly what a Droid is and why they don't use them. Very interesting from your run-of-the-mill Star Wars story
There is the opportunity to look closely at the Chiss culture, and the background of Thrawn.
Think of them as the mellowed down version of Romulans-Vulcan of Trek in the dune universe.
And all you will find a character of Thrawn military brilliance enticing but you have not a clue how politics nor does he cares for them. This may be one of the reasons that later on the emperor of the empire in Star Wars do not see him as a threat and it's the only alien up to that point is high ranking.
Others may have in another point of view where they might think that the Chiss it's a genetic offshoot of the human race and therefore acceptable to the emperor who is a xenophobe.
If you get to read the novel I hope that you will enjoy it.
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