In Star Trek Discovery Season 4, the crew of the USS Discovery sets out on a new mission led by Captain Michael Burnham, who has been promoted to the position of captain. Their objective is to save the galaxy from an enigmatic anomaly known as "The DMA," which is devouring entire star systems. As they investigate the anomaly, they encounter new alien races, including the Grudge, who are based on gravity, and the Tikal, a telepathic species.
Throughout the season, the Discovery crew faces various challenges, such as a faction of Starfleet officers who believe in using extreme measures to stop the DMA, and a mysterious organization called "The Verubin Nebula," with its own agenda for dealing with the anomaly. As they work to find a way to stop the DMA and save the galaxy, the crew makes sacrifices and faces difficult choices.
The season culminates in a thrilling finale where the Discovery crew puts their lives on the line to stop the DMA and save the galaxy. However, the subject of encountering an alien race that doesn't see humans as sentient is not new to the science fiction universe. Nevertheless, Star Trek's objective is to raise awareness of this concept in the context of our current world. The series prompts questions like how would aliens treat humans, given their technological advancement and lack of concern for our morals and capabilities. Advanced extraterrestrials may take a long time to recognize humans as sentient, given the numerous designs in nature that our technology duplicates from non-self-aware animal and insect species.
However, some viewers opine that removing all the "woke" aspects of the show would make it more enjoyable and effective.
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