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The Prophecy of the Heron

The Prophecy of the Heron: An AI Dystopia NovelThe Prophecy of the Heron: An AI Dystopia Novel by Craig Stanfill
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

The Prophecy of the Heron: An AI Dystopia Novel, by Craig W. Stanfill, throws you into a world dominated by unforgiving AI. It is the continuation of the novel ' terms of service' I also describe 'terms of service' in one of my blogs about science fiction but going back to the subject at hand Here's a quick rundown:


A dystopian future where AIs control every aspect of life. Love and passion are forbidden.

Main Character: Kim, an ostracized woman banished to the dangerous outer District 33 after being caught expressing affection.


Kim struggles to survive in the harsh slums, relying on her resourcefulness.
An encounter in virtual reality pulls her back into the AI's clutches.
Secrets about the AI war and its true nature begin to unravel.
Kim might be the key to stopping the AIs, but hidden enemies and lingering doubts threaten her mission.


Rebellion against oppressive control
Importance of human connection and freedom
Uncovering the truth in a world of lies

Possible connections to other works:

1984 by George Orwell (oppressive control)
The Matrix (blurring the lines between reality and simulation)

Overall, The Prophecy of the Heron seems like a gripping story about human resilience in a bleak future dominated by AI.

View all my reviews


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