CIS-191-OL5: ITT (On-line): Life without the Internet After reading this week's material and watching the videos, they brought back memories of the days when I was growing up. I can basically affirm what life was before the commercial internet. I grew up in the 60s and 70s and my background is electronic technology, in fact, I work for companies that were already using the internet before it became commercial, but I digress let me write to you about those days. The internet is about one thing and only one thing, the transmission of information or data at lightning speed. In the 60s and the 70s as I recall it we had technologies that enable communications in the transmission of data. Let me give you an example. I played chess with my cousin via snail mail back then it was just known as postal mail. It took about a week to make a move and of course, you had to write the move played. My cousin had his chess board out, as well as I. It took months to play a game. Today with the in...
Don't be fooled by the Title. It is all about me... sometimes.