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Showing posts from June, 2017

Poor Decisions

About two years ago I made a decision to return to school when I got laid off from Honeywell Aerospace. The job that I had at Honeywell Aerospace was outsourced to a company in Mexico. This wasn't the first time that I have lost a job to cheap labor in another country under NAFTA. I believe I have lost my job 3 times thanks to NAFTA My reasoning at the time was based on the fact that my line of work would be outsourced or moved outside of the country and I realized that as I get older it would have been more difficult to find work at least at the salary that I needed for day-to-day living. Not to mention that the opportunity of finding the same job that I have trained for when I went to University the first time was not really in demand. Technology is in demand all the time but not my line of work. I am an engineering tech for electronics, or what was called back in the day an Electronic Technician By returning to college to update my skills I was trying to be marketable...

Mi coche, mi Auto, mi Carro, mi Pedazo de Estiercol

Hace como una semana y media se me apagó mi coche en el expreso cerca de mi hogar. Por ende lo lleve a un mecánico bueno y me lo arreglo. Se me dañó la cadena de tiempo y tambien se dañó una válvula también. La bomba de agua ya no servía y pues fue reemplazado. Lamentablemente ya el coche no corre como antes y no tengo fondos para conseguir una en mejor estado así pues tendré que seguir usando lo que tengo hasta que muere como un caballo viejo sin diente sin rabo. Esa es la vida del pobre... Por cierto no me estoy quejando sencillamente mis aventuras con mi coche minusválido

Social media and Me

Good day to everybody reading this blog. My college professor has asked my fellow students and me to write about the effects of our interaction with Social Media in a Blog. Reading the material and watching the YouTube videos is extensive; one may has noticed that most of them are repetitive. I say this because my bread-and-butter is the internet and technologies related to related to it, Which is why I returned to college. Updating my skills will keep me employed. Social media to me are just ISP's intranet. Working in the business, one will understand what one is trying to say so I won't go into details because then again I will bore you. Each social media intranet evolved from the BBS systems and mailing list systems. When I worked at Sprint building hardware for the internet, social media already existed. One former pre-social media format was Usenet another was Bitnet and I made good use of those, of course, they were mostly text-oriented. Social media today is ...