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Social media and Me

Good day to everybody reading this blog. My college professor has asked my fellow students and me to write about the effects of our interaction with Social Media in a Blog. Reading the material and watching the YouTube videos is extensive; one may has noticed that most of them are repetitive. I say this because my bread-and-butter is the internet and technologies related to related to it, Which is why I returned to college. Updating my skills will keep me employed.

Social media to me are just ISP's intranet. Working in the business, one will understand what one is trying to say so I won't go into details because then again I will bore you. Each social media intranet evolved from the BBS systems and mailing list systems. When I worked at Sprint building hardware for the internet, social media already existed. One former pre-social media format was Usenet another was Bitnet and I made good use of those, of course, they were mostly text-oriented. Social media today is a little bit more... Just a little bit. I would call it Usenet and Bitnet on steroids

During my time at Sprint my fellow technicians and engineers had a good idea that once the internet went public they will be lots of problems, social problems. We knew there would be platforms for different individuals because everybody is different. The Gods of the internet knew this as well and engineered the different platforms of social media you see today.

My use social media basically is to keep in contact with family and a small group of friends that I would also interact with in the real world. The majority of my contacts I know them, face to face so I will not troll them, they know where I live and I know where they live therefore in any serious discussion or argument we will just visit each other and either throw on our boxing gloves or drink beer, normally we end up drinking beer.

However, as of late social media is following the Usenet and Bitnet structure where there are specialized groups. You see this model on Facebook and G+. So now I am subscribed to Facebook Groups and G+ communities that are subject or topic based. Since I do not know many of the individuals in these group I do not call them friends nor family they are just fellow subscribers of a particular interest. My conversation in those groups is totally on topic.

Of course, I am bit tech savvy and I am fully aware of all the negative aspects of social media like cyber bullying etc. But this is a cultural problem, not a technological one. One can use an airplane to travel from point A to point B, or one can use an airplane as a weapon of War and bomb the crap out of another group of people one don't like in the name of self-defense. It is not technology, it is people. And that is my personal viewpoint of social media and me.... Will I get an A for this?

Hello, my name is Tony and I am a... Well you know it is the name of my blog


  1. Thank you for the discourse. Just one point I might add. You might want to consider Social Media as a tool. Nothing more. Nothing less. And always keep in mind what a tool is used for. And choose the right tool for whatever job you are involved with.

    Keep in mind a truism. If the only tool you have is a hammer all your problems will be nails. Think about it.


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