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The Songs of Distant Earth

The Songs of Distant EarthThe Songs of Distant Earth by Arthur C. Clarke
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I think this is the second time that I have read this novel. It is hard science fiction no fantasy etc. As always if you need a summary of the plot. Google is your friend. As with all my reviews, my interest is in the science that fascinates me.

Here are some of the highlights from this book.

Seed ships
Long-term space travel.
Undersea primitive alien life forms.

If you had the opportunity to read the book or the summary. You will find it quite fascinating how a group of scientists work through the centuries to save the human race from dying. [What I learned about this event in the real world and that this was a concern during Arthur C Clarke. However, it was explained what was really going on inside the sun so we don't have to worry about the sun blowing up in a few thousand years]

The first thing they did was to send out embryonic seed ships.
Then they sent out DNA seed ships; at last the technology advance to the point of sending complete human beings in cryogenic sleep.

The rest of the novel has to do with politics, romance, and adventure.
I think that today's generation would find this particular story boring per se. But back in the day when I was young (1960's and 70's), the scientific concepts were new and intriguing. It made my imagination flow and I asked many questions and I even thought about how to solve some of the problems. As I grew older the questions that I asked had very complex answers. The most complex question I had, was how DNA seeding would work. ( I studied electronic engineering due to my fixation with sci-fi)

Over the years they would be many theories of DNA seeding. One concept or theory found fascinating was in a recent movie called Prometheus in the Aliens universe by the actions done by the "engineers" on our planet Earth millions of years ago.

In all, I recommend the novel if you are into hard science fiction based on current ideas.

View all my reviews


  1. Considering the fact that you recommend it to hard SF readers (of which you are one, as I am), that's a pretty low score that you gave it, Tony. I give it 4/5 as I love the hard science ideas. The Songs of Distant Earth has always been one of my Top 5 Arthur C. Clarke novels.


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