It has always felt like things are in decline. It’s always felt like society is coming apart, that the mos maiorum is losing its hold. In the 1600s, as the Puritans fled a tempestuous, plague-ridden London to the New World, they thought they were living in the end times. Yet America would still be going 400 years later…and so would England. As bad as things were, and as bad as things would get, they are unquestionably on a whole, much better.
Why are they better? Because people made them better. Because not everyone was so cynical or despondent because not everyone despaired. Some people chose to imagine a better future and strove to make a better future.
Have you chosen to see a decline as permanent and not temporary? Have you decided that what’s happening in the world, in your country, in your neighborhood, is not something that you control? You can look backward with a sigh or forwards with a clenched jaw. What will it be?
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