Aftermath of the Earthquake: The episode opens with the devastating impact of the earthquake on Anjiro. Thousands are dead, and armies across Japan are weakened. Mariko's Past: We see a flashback revealing Mariko's childhood friend, Ochiba, becoming the Taikō's consort. This backstory sheds light on Mariko's shame and loyalty struggles. Toranaga's Rewards and Tests: Lord Toranaga rewards John Blackthorne (Anjin) for saving his life by promoting him to command the cannon regiment and granting him a fiefdom. To test Mariko's loyalty, Toranaga separates her from her jealous protector, Buntaro, and orders her to take Anjin to a brothel (The Willow World). Ochiba's Influence: Lady Ochiba returns to Osaka, wielding her influence within the council of regents to further their campaign against Toranaga. Political Maneuvering: Sugiyama appears to form a temporary alliance with Toranaga to delay the impeachment. Ochibe, however, forces Ishido to eliminate Su...
Don't be fooled by the Title. It is all about me... sometimes.