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Showing posts from August, 2022

My First Flash Fiction story: I am a JW, a Puerto Rican, I will never get old, sick or die... Maybe

 Good day to everybody,  As many of you probably know by now, by the time you read this ( if anyone is reading at all) I will be on my way to open heart surgery the procedure is called CABG. In the past, I have poked fun at myself.  You may have read many times that I claim: " I am a Puerto Rican and a JW, therefore I will never get sick and I will never die because that is the image... Maybe". Many of you already understand what this means. I grew up as one of the Jehovah's Witnesses in 1967 or 1968. I was the second one in my family to get baptized as a JW minister at the age of 13 in 1975. But before 1975 the majority of Jehovah's Witnesses believed that something may occur in or around 1975. Many Jehovah Witnesses today will deny this then again many Jehovah's Witnesses today we're not from that generation. few of us remain or as the generation of 1914 is dying off. Uh, the 1914 generation has died, the '75 generation is dying off, and most are in thei...
The Shadow by James Patterson My rating: 2 of 5 stars This review does have spoilers. If you are a reader and you also like radio shows, the old radio shows, right before television became a thing, you may have heard of the radio serial "The Shadow". My youngest daughter has confiscated my collection but I can retrieve it when I want to. After all who "knows the evil that lies in my children's hearts?" The Shadow knows. If not him then it would be me. I am their father. The shadow of the radio series is about a crime fighter who learned his skills from ancient monks in the Orient and like all heroes he has a nemesis called Khan. In today's world of rebooting old serials or reimagining old superheroes. Rebooting and reimagining the shadow eventually was going to happen. Before you go on to read the new version I would suggest at least listening to a few of the older episodes of The Shadow, which you can find on the internet on YouTube for free, who doesn...

De : Cesar

178 – 29 août -  Canicule   Vous savez sans doute qu’on peut mourir de chaleur (insuffisance rénale, insuffisance cardiaque, lésions au cerveau). Ces réactions peuvent être le résultat d’une défaillance de la circulation sanguine (l’ischémie) ou encore d’une dégradation des cellules. J’ai connu un cas malheureux de cette nature. Il s’agit de la sÅ“ur Glémot qu’on a trouvée morte dans son fauteuil en fin de soirée. En cas de vague de chaleur, on recommande de ne pas attendre les premiers signes d’effets de la canicule tels que des nausées, des crampes et des maux de tête pour se protéger. Il faut au contraire rester au frais et boire beaucoup d’eau. C’est essentiel pour les personnes âgées. 179 – 29 août -  Je partage ici cette petite chanson de Gabin. Quand j'étais gosse, haut comme trois pommes Je parlais bien fort pour être un homme. Je disais, JE SAIS, JE SAIS, JE SAIS, JE SAIS.   C'était le début, c'était le printemps Mais quand j'ai eu mes dix-huit ans J'ai ...

September 1st

  Mon opération à cÅ“ur ouvert est prévue dans 4 jours. La procédure sera un quadruple pontage pour le moment. Certains de mes frères pensent que j'en ai peur. Ils oublient que ma façon de penser est différente de la leur. Il n'y a pas de peur de mourir pour moi puisque nous allons tous mourir jusqu'à ce qu'on nous dise qu'il n'y aura plus de mort. Il n'y a pas de vie du tout si je ne sers pas Dieu comme on m'a enseigné. Si je survis à l'opération, mon âme pourrira.
  Hello Brothers and Sisters, Has Facebook placed you in Facebook jail  (post restrictions) for something you posted that was not objectionable? It has happened to me many times. Also, there are so many political ads and stories that can violate our Christian neutrality. Facebook isn't what it used to be. Alternatives do exist, however. Feel free to write to me privately so I can explain it to you

Me out of here...

All, Facebook will no longer be a place for me to post. I will be posting to my blog instead. From time to time I will be posting on the FB timeline Links to the Blog, If anyone is interested... I will be also posting to MeWe to an imaginary audience, since I do like to write. Writing sci-fi flash fiction will be the first step for me.
Germline by T.C. McCarthy My rating: 3 of 5 stars Second read for me. I would considered this novel, military scifi, but still hard scifi. I found it very realistic where warfare is concerned. The author has a background in american warfare, so he doesn't paint war as glorious, both sides who are fighting, hated it. The technology used is also realistic, I would not be surprised if many military organization have some of these "weapons" in their arsenal. Then there is "genetic" cloned soldiers, all females with a shelf life of 2 years. A theme seen again and again in science fiction novels. You have the Replicants of Blade Runner, the Jem'Hadarr of Star trek DS9. The G's of Germline resemble the Jem'Haddar in the sense they need drugs to keep under control. The G's however will start to rot after 2 years. They are decanted at 16 and killed at 18, before they start to rot. In all, this is not a book for young readers or war vet that suffer from...
Forward the Foundation by Isaac Asimov My rating: 4 of 5 stars I have read this novel many times. You see I'm older now and forgetting stuff. That being written. I do remember much of the story. Asimov is very detailed of how an empire deteriorates. It doesn't matter who is heading the empire. He demonstrated that in that particular culture. They were three particular government styles for the empire one actually had an emperor with certain authority when this one was assassinated then there was a military junta that ran the empire. When that one fell they went back to having an emperor but was more of a figurehead a symbol than anything else it reminds me of the British Empire of today or basically the British Commonwealth. Where the queen is just a figurehead. One observation I will make that many probably have seen before and I probably commented it on it that most of Isaac Asimov stories are set on academia. It demonstrate how difficult it is to get funding for a very im...
The Winds of Change and Other Stories by Isaac Asimov My rating: 3 of 5 stars Here we can see Isaac Asimov other talents in writing mystery fiction as well as science fiction. He also has a few fantasy stories in the anthology. He is very good at keeping hard science... science and fantasy... fantasy. View all my reviews
Colony Mars: Complete Trilogy by Gerald M. Kilby My rating: 5 of 5 stars The colonization of Mars is on everybody's mind. This trilogy covers what the colonization of Mars would be when it's directed by a private corporation or a government contract with a private corporation. There is a lot of hard science covered in this trilogy. What most may call the attention is genetic engineering. No need to spoil the Read for those who are inclined to a hard science fiction. However this trilogy is very doable in the real world. View all my reviews