My rating: 2 of 5 stars
This review does have spoilers.
If you are a reader and you also like radio shows, the old radio shows, right before television became a thing, you may have heard of the radio serial "The Shadow". My youngest daughter has confiscated my collection but I can retrieve it when I want to. After all who "knows the evil that lies in my children's hearts?" The Shadow knows. If not him then it would be me. I am their father.
The shadow of the radio series is about a crime fighter who learned his skills from ancient monks in the Orient and like all heroes he has a nemesis called Khan. In today's world of rebooting old serials or reimagining old superheroes. Rebooting and reimagining the shadow eventually was going to happen. Before you go on to read the new version I would suggest at least listening to a few of the older episodes of The Shadow, which you can find on the internet on YouTube for free, who doesn't like free?
Once you get a good grasp of the characters of Lamont Cranston and Margo Lane you are ready to read the new book written by James Patterson. I must however warn you in advance that this is a young adult book you will not find graphic violence and language and sex which is very common in the literature of today. The author of this book also gave Lamont Cranston a few superpowers that he did not have in the original series. It makes sense after all he's writing a book for today's audience not for Boomers like me.
There are a few items that really don't make sense in this book. However, this book is directed to teenagers, how many teens are going to be concerned with little details like a world president that can only control Manhattan? In all, it is a good read her kids from 13 to 18 and even though I am a little bit older I enjoyed it as well I recommend that you read the book first before deciding to buy it for your kid if he is a nerdy reader used to be a few decades ago
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