To live a good life, you have to make good choices. You are what your choices make you, nothing more and nothing less. It’s simple and it’s true, in theory. In practice, it’s hard.
I know I made horrible choices. Look where I live now, In NJ's most famous ghetto, and even in the ghetto we have smartphones designed to be addictive. We have genetically engineered food to be as irresistible as it is nutrient deficient. We have apps that bring us pleasures and distractions with the click of a button. We have the ability to work from home, to wake up and start working whenever we want. We can go wherever we want, do whatever we want, and say whatever we want. We have to struggle in just about every moment of every day to make good choices.
These choices add up to make you, you. You are the sum of one small choice stacked upon one small choice, ad infinitum. If your life were a painting, these choices would be the brushstrokes that compose it. In other words, your life is defined by your choices.
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