Today, I had my algebraic concept final test and I failed. Of course, my body sabotaged my efforts. This seems to be the norm with everything I do. That is when "everything I do" is extremely important and "the everything I do" maybe a life changer. Passing a math course is a life changer. So let me describe how it went today. Keep this note in mind I studied the entire weekend and the more I study things got more complicated As I wrote many times before, my neurologist and gastroenterologist have repeatedly told me that when my brain acts up my gut will too. When I take any other academic tests I usually don't get sick. I have taken all my meds and then I take life day by day. As I mentioned in previous posts on the internet maybe Facebook or G Plus, I have a few abnormalities in the brain. These abnormalities affect my behavior and my thought processes. It is not that bad but I perceive and understand things a little bit differently and that is why I may ...
Don't be fooled by the Title. It is all about me... sometimes.
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