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Showing posts from 2022
Meditations by Marcus Aurelius My rating: 3 of 5 stars He really wrote this book as notes to himself. he had an interesting way of thinking. Some of his notes even sound like he had Christian principles behind him, of course, his empire persecuted Christians, but at t time he considered some Christians corrupt. View all my reviews

Recovery from Heart Surgery Month III

On my third month since my Cabg surgery. I can't deny that things are getting better. But recovery is taking longer than I expected.  I still go to cardiopulmonary rehab twice a week. A few days ago I had to go to Virtua pulmonary. I thought I had a doctor's visit but it was spirometry tests What has helped me mentally is I have been allowed to return to work even though I'm not 100%. I had a lot of projects that I want to do in the house but physically I just wasn't able to do so, and that led to a lot of frustration. By going back to work I can keep my mind busy and be a little bit more productive. I'm still not allowed to travel the sternum just takes a while to heal.  Spiritually, I'm going to no place. Was trying to get regular in-presence meetings it has been difficult. The Kingdom Hall that I decided to go to is farther away. And my biggest problem is that I cannot walk very well. So I attend the meetings via Zoom. I also try to kill time by reading but t...
Murder at the ABA by Isaac Asimov My rating: 3 of 5 stars Murder at the ABA While Isaac Asimov is considered to be a very excellent science fiction writer. He has written books in other genres. "Murder at the ABA" is considered to be by him one of his best books in regard to the mystery genre. And this particular novel he has inserted himself into the plot. This is known as metafiction. The novel per se is of an odd taste. All I can say is that the characters in the novel are not detectives they are writers but they are forced to become detectives at the loft of a colleague during the convention of the ABA. Therefore it's a little bit more of a whodunnit type of book. Enjoy. View all my reviews

Something to Pity

 The kind of people we are  going to meet each day—the bitter, the stupid, the jealous, the petty, racists, polluters, rage profiteers, reality television stars, trolls and on and on. ( I know many of those labels apply to me as well) These people are frustrating. They make the world less safe, less productive, less collaborative. They poison the common good. They destroy any semblance of common understanding or commonality, period. But instead of getting angry at them, try pity first. As we’ve said before, these people aren’t actually having a good time. Nor, in most cases, are they avoiding the consequences of their own actions (in some cases, they suffer most). Even if it doesn’t always seem so obvious. After all, you could be like them if you wanted. Why? Because it’s a horrible, shameful way to live. These people who frustrate us are cut off from that. They have been led astray. Or they have chosen to go astray. And that is something to pity From the thought of Ryan Holid...

Be a Man...grow a pair!!!

 For too long many of you as I, have been led to believe that to show emotion is to show weakness My father would say if you cry, I will put Maria's dress on you (Maria was my little sister).  Once in the Bronx, I slice my knee up to the knee cap, and at Pelham bay hospital he did not allow anesthesia, I left the hospital walking under my own power in pain, with no crutches,  or wheelchair, and I was not allowed to cry. My mother agreed with him.  Suck it up, we’re told, stop being a crybaby. You’re stronger than that. No one wants to hear it. I got that from outside and inside the congregation as well. Of course, many of us who are different had to remodel our thinking to adjust to our upbringing and culture, even where today it would not be considered normal. Yet I wonder how many of my fellow Christians would consider Jesus a coward whe  finally succumbs to his pain, calling out to his father, ‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?’ In that raw, agonizing...

It all adds up, good or bad.

What you read.  Who you study under.  What you prioritize.  How you treat someone.  What your routine is like.  The training you undergo.  What rules  you follow.  What habits you cultivate. Day to day, practiced over a lifetime. For some it will do good... But for others like myself... Nope. too late.

To Question is to Learn

 When I was a young JW back in the '70s and I pioneered between school breaks; one of the points we would put forth is questioning the original beliefs of the people we talked with. the Watchtower had articles like these:  Are you just as careful regarding your beliefs about your own relationship to God? w64 1/15 pp. 35-36 - The Watchtower—1964 If you are faced with the question, “Why should I accept my parents’ religion?” why not compare their beliefs with the “eternal truths” found in the Bible? g86 11/22 pp. 13-15 - Awake!—1986 Even JW's after 1975 have questioned their beliefs and have had to make adjustments in their understanding, and these new understandings have come from more intense studying of the scriptures when things don't exactly pan out. I won't touch those subjects, maybe on another occasion. The issue is when something doesn't seem right, questions arise and motivate one to study more to understand them. This is nothing new with humans. During Roma...

The Ugly Little Boy by Asimov and Silverberg

The Ugly Little Boy by Isaac Asimov My rating: 2 of 5 stars An Interesting read. I like the science behind the concept. Not so much the story per se. Of course we know more about neanderhtals these days. View all my reviews

Recovery Month II

It has been a trip no doubt. Just another new experience for me. In the morning I get all energetic and I get ready to do stuff, then reality sets in, and the day becomes a bit more difficult to move around. I think today it's the first day that I could actually walk all the way down the street where I live and walk back up. I live on a steep Street so I walk up an incline. But I made it. Of course, I have two large saphenous veins that I know missing. So if I don't walk much my feet will swell up with water. Just goes to show me how badly we need our body parts eh?  No doubt about how to sign our body to function perfectly in our three-dimensional world. I'm still getting chest pains but it's not from the heart it's from the incisions and where the titanium clips are located at. I guess it's a matter of getting used to them. I also have to get used to the scars on my chest. It feels like I've been abducted by aliens and they put their mark on me like a tatt...

The Legend of Andrew Martin and the Third Law

  When it comes to robotics and science Isaac Asimov's creativity has fascinated me since I was a child. The particular reason I decided to title this review 'the legend of Andrew Martin' instead of the review of the Positronic Man or the 'Bicentennial Man' is simple. If you are a fan of Isaac Asimov's works you would know that he has a tendency to work on his characters to build his short stories and novelettes into novels. There's a movie that was also based on both works, that is titled the Bicentennial Man, and Andrew was played by Robin Williams in this movie.  The story is based on a Robot who wanted to be declared legally a Human. The Pinnochio complex. The full summary can be found here: The notion of a robot or an Android wanting to become human is not a new one, we see this in many books and in movies, and of course science fic...

Mos Maiorum

It has always felt like things are in decline. It’s always felt like society is coming apart, that the mos maiorum is losing its hold. In the 1600s, as the Puritans fled a tempestuous, plague-ridden London to the New World, they thought they were living in the end times. Yet America would still be going 400 years later…and so would England. As bad as things were, and as bad as things would get, they are unquestionably on a whole, much better. Why are they better? Because people made them better. Because not everyone was so cynical or despondent because not everyone despaired. Some people chose to imagine a better future and strove to make a better future. Have you chosen to see a decline as permanent and not temporary? Have you decided that what’s happening in the world, in your country, in your neighborhood, is not something that you control? You can look backward with a sigh or forwards with a clenched jaw. What will it be?

Flash Fiction: Kimchi

 Mental note to self:   Kat kidneys Kimchi with egg whites and hot sauce should be avoided if you have hemorrhoids and one is taking Plavix. 

The ABC Murders

The A.B.C. Murders by Agatha Christie My rating: 4 of 5 stars Another excellent novel by Agatha Christie. It is dark in a certain way. The killing of individuals in alphabetical order and using an epileptic as Patsy. When I read books like these I see a certain pattern. I've been reading more mystery than science fiction as of late. After all, I got to stimulate my own little grey cells. But as I mentioned before I read many books at the same time. I am actually reading a science fiction novel. It is quite long. I am also reading my astrophysics books my philosophy books and of course the Bible. Not that I will profit from any of them but as I mentioned many times before if I can get my mind occupied then I won't be a pain in the rear to my family. View all my reviews

Cardiopulmonary Rehab I

Yesterday I officially started my cardiopulmonary rehab. The gym reminded me of when I used to go to LA fitness about 20 years ago. " piece of cake" I said. The session was just an hour when I was done I thought to myself "I just don't learn". The place is more than a gym it is a rehab and you don't have personal trainers you have physical therapists.  I do like modern technical gadgets. You get to wear a heart monitor smaller than a cigarette package I guess it works with Bluetooth. And a computer keeps in contact with your heart all the time. The physical therapist measures your blood pressure at the beginning, during, and end of the session. This time I only worked out on two machines. One machine is called a nustep, it is like a sit-down elliptical machine. You start off with 5 minutes to warm up, then you exercise on the device for 15 minutes. Of course, I started low at level 1 just doing 70 spm.  Afterward, my blood pressure was measured and it was no...


I  have been putting things off for as long as there have been things to do and we all have things to do. I tell myself I do it when I am older when I have more time when the Winter comes( I am a Winter person). I will do it tomorrow. And yet… The Bible rebukes this tendency,    “Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow.” reads James 4:13. “What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.”  Speak out about the things you think are important (Not on FB or in the congregation, speaking out will end you up in FB jail or a loss of privilege, and sometime that would be permanent whether just or not. Stop sweating things that don’t matter. Stop deferring what you have always wanted to do—stop deferring what you know you were meant to do, what you know is right to do. Don’t be arrogant. Be humble. Realize you cannot assume you will get six more months, let alone six more years.


It is an anime series that I found on Netflix. For some reason when I did the research on the show it called it a horror show but it is more science fiction. Just when I thought I'd seen it all in science fiction and anime related to science fiction I have to say that this one caught me off guard. It has some concepts that I thought about briefly and the artwork is pretty good. I have to say that is also a mystery. It does have some colorful language but I would put it in the PG-13 area. If you do see it let me know what you think.

The old ways...

  As I recover, I feel more energetic. So I try to do a little more.  Then reality sits in. I walk more, and I do well, but then, I get tired and winded. I am already gravitating to return to the in-person meetings. But the side effects of the Lasix, have kept me housebound. So why did I mention the old ways?. As I was growing up, using the bathroom if not needed or too much, was considered a lack of respect for Jehovah. Most of the time, we would use the bathroom during the song. We had special needs talks about using the bathroom during the song. the songs were considered prayers. The sisters would get a break because they had more needs than men, personal hygiene, taking their infants, congregational gossip and we even had special needs talk for them. Therefore, if you were to have explosive diarrhea, then well... use the bathroom. I have 2 fewer veins in my legs, so my feet will swell, and the Lasix removes the water and I urinate more. But I am still a JW with an image to...

What some people see

  “It’s tough to be alive now,” the actor Timothée Chalamet recently said. “I think a societal collapse is in the air — it smells like it.” The economist Deirdre McCloskey once put it, “For reasons I have never understood, people like to hear that the world is going to hell.” But is it?   One may be alarmed about the state of the world. Perhaps you’re horrified at the risks and dangers that lurk about—pandemics, political chaos, riots, people at each other’s throats, unprecedented events. Perhaps you’re getting a strong whiff of societal collapse. The Bible says the following: 2 Timothy 3:1-4 New International Version 3 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than l...
The Return of the Black Widowers by Isaac Asimov My rating: 4 of 5 stars Isaac Asimov is known for writing science fiction books but he dabbled in different types of genres. He was a professor of biochemistry at Boston University and wrote many nonfiction-related science books. I had the opportunity to read some of his science books but when it came to fiction well I kept to his science fiction repertoire, I know most of his sci-fi novels by memory, but not all sci-fi short stories. They are many. Since I am housebound I took an interest in reading his mysteries. I started reading "The Return of the Black Widowers". Apparently, there were more "Black Widowers" short stories that I wasn't aware of. I will try to fetch them. Come to think of it, Maybe in the future, I will try to read all of Asimov's books. After a bit of research it seems, Asimov was a member himself of NYC "Trap doors Spiders" which was a debaters club and dinner male-only dinne...
The Mysterious Affair at Styles by Agatha Christie My rating: 4 of 5 stars This is actually the first Novel. After decades of reading mysteries and sci-fi, some stories are predictable. Aside from Hercule Poirot novels from Agatha Christie, I am also reading The Black Widowers series By Isaac Asimov. These are all mysteries :-) You may have read my Question on FB. "How do your Justify your existence?" One gues of where I got the question from ;-) View all my reviews

Shoes and Clowns

 The circus clown, at times, will wear big shoes to give him a funny walk. Clowns are supposed to make you laugh but what exactly is a clown? The etymology of a clown is varied but the basic definition is that of a poor farmer, In the American circus it could be a hobo or tramp, and when performing, people are laughing at the ignorance and stupidity of the clown (don't believe me? when you are on social media start replying to everything your friends write with the clown emoji, trust me your circle of friends will drop). Many of us have heard the Axiom: " walk in other people's shoes..." this is said to create some sort of empathy among those who are passing through certain difficulties in life. Some shoes are actually "hand-me-downs" the eldest in a family gets the shoes and once they don't fit, the next child in line gets them. It may even come from a family member like a cousin. The poor may even get their shoes from a thrift shop or a second-hand sho...

Voici les 3 places dans le Vatican où l'on peux trouver le Nom de Jéhovah.

  Voici les 3 places dans le Vatican où l'on peux trouver le Nom de Jéhovah. 2 tombes de papes et un tableau Bien à toi.


 T o live a good life, you have to make good choices. You are what your choices make you, nothing more and nothing less.  It’s simple and it’s true, in theory. In practice, it’s hard. I know I made horrible choices. Look where I live now, In NJ's most famous ghetto, and even in the ghetto w e have smartphones designed to be addictive. We have genetically engineered food to be as irresistible as it is nutrient deficient. We have apps that bring us pleasures and distractions with the click of a button. We have the ability to work from home, to wake up and start working whenever we want. We can go wherever we want, do whatever we want, and say whatever we want. We have to struggle in just about every moment of every day to make good choices.  These choices add up to make you, you. You are the sum of one small choice stacked upon one small choice,   ad infinitum . If your life were a painting, these choices would be the brushstrokes that compose it. In other words, your ...

The way of the Coward...

 Bonjour...  I hope everybody's doing okay at least anybody who's reading this. Today will be one month since I had open heart surgery and I am recovering nicely under the circumstances so I have to thank God that things are going well. As many of you know I got discharged from the surgeon this week. Most likely today I will get discharged from the visiting nurse. Last week I got discharged from the physical therapist.  Yesterday I received a call from the coordinator from the Cherry Hill congregation. Norma and I are now part of that congregation we no longer attend the Mount Ephraim Spanish congregation. I personally did not want to move from that congregation the Kingdom Hall is two blocks away and I can walk to it in snow storms. One of my former circuit overseers wanted me to move for quite some time norma wanted me to move and many of you who have written to me in private wanted me to move. I see no purpose in moving but I moved. From my point of view and just my po...

Flash Fiction: Pop stop Lecturing...

Last Saturday my daughter and son-in-law came downstairs just to talk to me and my wife. With good intentions to relieve me of the boredom that I was feeling. The conversation rolled into the subject of entertainment for Christians. It was interesting, and I won't go into the details, but a striking remark from my daughter:" Pop I know you like to dive into things deeply but you are not an elder anymore you are just a us in the English Congregation and you shouldn't judge us for our choice in entertainment".  It occurred to me she was right, I didn't think I was judging anybody; I was just explaining biblical principles in many facets of entertainment and our stance of being Christians I wasn't thinking about them. I guess I am bringing to the English Congregation the hardcore Puerto Rican Spanish culture I was raised in.  And this is why I claimed at my training up to that point in Jehovah's organization was just a waste of time. Nobody i...

Flash Fiction: Papo doesn't smile

  When one is trained not to forget, like after major event,  burning down a house which really never happen during one's childhood it is hard to ignore other events. For example most Puerto Ricans families during that time period in the sixties, like us... lived in about all the boroughs of New York City and of course there were many get-togethers. Christmas parties, birthday parties, etc.  My family was no exception, and of course with these parties came the get together photos. Me being me knew the concept of Photography at around age 6, I was a notorious 'photobomber'. Children back then were not to be seen nor heard in family events. It was easy for to make weird faces and poses and other unpleasant gestures to the camera knowing that a month later it would be revealed. Yup, everyone know that the youngest of the Santana's males like his father can mess with their heads.  The solution was simple. My mother now was armed with a dog strap on her person or hidden b...

Flash Fiction: Fingers on Fire

  Good morning everyone,  As many of you know I'm here at my daughter's house recovering from open-heart surgery, I really don't get much to do except follow my doctor's instructions and those of the visiting nurse and physical therapist. Yeah, you need them after open heart surgery. You don't believe me? Wait until it's your turn. :-)  Anyway, the problem is that my mind starts to idle with ruminating thoughts settling in and trying to make a nest.  Many of my friends always ask me why I do not let things go. Well, I'm going, to be honest, since I do not go to the Spanish congregation anymore I do not have to worry about any backlash from them. When my family lived on Long Island and I was a child my grandfather was working on the plumbing in the basement, he left a blow torch on, and of course, I was in the basement with him. Needless to say, I grabbed a blowtorch out of curiosity and I tried to burn the floor with it, the floor was made of cement so there...

Change is difficult for people even if they are positive- Ryan Holliday

Even if the changes are positive, we can appreciate that they’ve been difficult for people . There is so much to navigate, to be sensitive to in this modern world of ours. People are expected to be tolerant of things that just a few years ago were considered totally out of the mainstream. Words and descriptors, even the names of countries (or the pronunciations of the names of cities) seem to change by the day (with painful consequences if you screw them up). There is an incredible amount of news thrown at us, and no small amount of technology required to access it (to say nothing of the brainpower to make sense of it all). We’re expected to give things to our children—to meet expectations emotionally, financially, timewise—that no generation before was asked to do. This is not a controversial argument. The future is wonderful in many ways…but it’s been harder on some than others.  It’s hard to be a person in this world. Maybe not as much for you, but it definitely is for some peo...

Moving Forward to Nowhere

  Good day, My temporary disability  from the state  at least has been approved for the next 5 month. Therefore my conscience concerning maintaining my household as a Christian is covered.   I moved from The Spanish congregation  to my daughter’s congregation at the request of my wife so providing spiritually for my wife has been covered.  By moving from the congregation however I have established myself as a coward... no problem nobody cares, I made myself a ghost in Mt Ephraim Spanish,  giving credence that I am now a Christian in poor standing. So my wife is good. My heart cannot be repaired as expected so my lifespan has been shortened; it  takes about twice as much to regain what I lost and that goes beyond my lifespan.  What can I really do from 2 to 12 years? I do have a childhood friend in worse condition, similar surgery because of a heart defect. 5 month in the hospital. So I am well aware some are worse off than me. This is not a s...

The doctor calls: you have a short time to live. 2-12 years

  Breaking news: an asteroid is hurtling towards earth and could destroy the planet. The judge rules: you have a year to get your affairs in order and report to prison for the mandatory maximum sentence. The doctor calls: you have a short time to live. The sirens sound: nuclear war has broken out and the end is near. This is going to change everything, we tell ourselves. These moments or minutes or months we have left, they will be so precious to us. We’re going to focus. We’re going to get over our fears. Say what needs to be said, do what needs to be done. We’ll finally be able,  to live and act like a dying person. Or will we? Might we instead just go right back to our phones? Bury our heads in the digital sand and pretend it’s all a bad dream, or that someone will figure it out before it’s too late? You’ve been a dying person this whole time—since birth.  What makes you think you’d suddenly shake off your stupor and get serious? Did the pandemic do that for you? ...

Not so much of an image of a Puerto Rican and a JW who would never die and live forever.

 I know many of you are going to call this a pity party ( if you do look up the definition) but right now I am no longer a part of the mount Ephraim congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses in Camden New Jersey so I really don't give a frack; now I can write about my health. A few years ago I started to develop what is called exercise intolerance and gait imbalance, and neurological depression.  Exercise intolerance is caused by cardiovascular disease. I did this to myself and the only person I can blame is myself. It ended up with me having a heart attack on June 8th, 2022, and was followed up with open heart surgery on September 6th, 2022 the procedure is called a CABG surgery. The initial plan was to have a quadruple bypass but under further examination, this could not be done for various reasons and I ended up with a double bypass and a stent, and other procedures to fix the heart. In all The revascularization of the heart was not done. (I can't win them all).  I can't c...

Now is Now

  There is a beautiful passage on the last page of Laura Ingalls Wilder’s, The Little House in the Big Woods. She writes of an evening in the cabin with her family, her father playing the fiddle, her mom knitting in a rocking chair: “She thought to herself, ‘This is now.’ She was glad that the cozy house, and Pa and Ma and the firelight and the music, were now. They could not be forgotten, she thought, because now is now. It can never be a long time ago.” ”   But what does it mean? That you have to live in the very now, even when it is ordinary and quiet, because the now is very special. It is the only thing that is true. What has passed is past, and our memories of it gradually degrade and betray us. What has yet to pass is future, and as we should know by now is never guaranteed. Now is all that is real. Yet too many of us reject that gift. We continue to think of long ago. We dream of or fear a distant future. We are distracted or preoccupied and miss what is happening...

I shaved and put on a clean shirt." by Ryan Holliday.

  Admiral Hyman Rickover, the father of the nuclear Navy in the United States and an unsung hero in the history of the world, was once asked by a Congressman if he was prepared for the upcoming hearing in which Hyman needed to speak about a number of complex, important issues. "Yes," Rickover replied, "I shaved and put on a clean shirt." Rickover didn’t need to prepare because he  was  prepared. He wasn’t some figurehead who had to be briefed before answering questions. He knew his science and his department inside out. Because he lived and breathed his work— He also personally tested every nuclear submarine during its initial sea trial after construction.  a fighter not a fencer. A fencer has to put on armor and pick up a weapon. A fighter just has to close their fist. That should be our model too. We shouldn’t be cramming the night before a test, or frantically looking for advice once a crisis has arrived. We need to be prepared. We need to be so on top of our wor...

Surgery Part III

  The surgery was a success.  As I was told prior to the operation,  There would be items they would not be able to fix. Some of the heart arteries were just too narrow to bypass or to be stented. So I got the LAD and another artery bypassed and of course, the mother of the widowmaker is stented.  The mammary arteries were in poor shape and couldn't be used. So in the end they had to use my leg veins. From each Leg.  In the end, I received a small extension of life. Statistically 2-12 years, is the usefullnes of such grafts. Afterward another evalation of the heart will occur. (of course I will see the cardiologist on a regular basis.) The surgery has been suceesfuly conluded. Lets see what's lies ahead.  

Surgery Part Two

  By the time you read this, I will most likely be in surgery this morning.  I ran a test and I notice when I write to my blog, many won't even see it because of Facebook Shadow Ban. As I mentioned in my previous post, I have left the Mt. Ephraim Spanish Congregation.  I have made provisions for Norma to continue attending the Cherry Hill Congregation. Me? I really serve no purpose and would not fit into any place, I may attend from time to time. Don't get me wrong, I  usually will never miss a meeting and I have my resources. By fading away from the congregation I will not be under the pressure of attaining service privileges that JW males are subjected to. What will I do? maybe I will write, I like writing, but I will have to work around my neurological disorder to do so and there are many writing tools available for the handicapped.  I may even return to University for a 3rd Or maybe I will die on the surgery table of an unseen event. Amor Fati non? I am stil...

The Return to Field Service

 Enough of my Pity Party because my life-saving Surgery got botched for following instructions and medical orders. Surgeons are not Gods.  However today God is doing much more. Jehovah witnesses are out there trying to saves lives.  Real Human lives. I have received many images and photos and memes on such a great day, until the next plague or the Great Tribulation hits. I do not matter, the Human Race as a whole is more important to Jesus. If I was healthy enough I would be knocking on doors too.  I have done so since a child. The Bible says Matthew 24:13-14 New International Version 13 but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. 14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

My First Flash Fiction story: I am a JW, a Puerto Rican, I will never get old, sick or die... Maybe

 Good day to everybody,  As many of you probably know by now, by the time you read this ( if anyone is reading at all) I will be on my way to open heart surgery the procedure is called CABG. In the past, I have poked fun at myself.  You may have read many times that I claim: " I am a Puerto Rican and a JW, therefore I will never get sick and I will never die because that is the image... Maybe". Many of you already understand what this means. I grew up as one of the Jehovah's Witnesses in 1967 or 1968. I was the second one in my family to get baptized as a JW minister at the age of 13 in 1975. But before 1975 the majority of Jehovah's Witnesses believed that something may occur in or around 1975. Many Jehovah Witnesses today will deny this then again many Jehovah's Witnesses today we're not from that generation. few of us remain or as the generation of 1914 is dying off. Uh, the 1914 generation has died, the '75 generation is dying off, and most are in thei...
The Shadow by James Patterson My rating: 2 of 5 stars This review does have spoilers. If you are a reader and you also like radio shows, the old radio shows, right before television became a thing, you may have heard of the radio serial "The Shadow". My youngest daughter has confiscated my collection but I can retrieve it when I want to. After all who "knows the evil that lies in my children's hearts?" The Shadow knows. If not him then it would be me. I am their father. The shadow of the radio series is about a crime fighter who learned his skills from ancient monks in the Orient and like all heroes he has a nemesis called Khan. In today's world of rebooting old serials or reimagining old superheroes. Rebooting and reimagining the shadow eventually was going to happen. Before you go on to read the new version I would suggest at least listening to a few of the older episodes of The Shadow, which you can find on the internet on YouTube for free, who doesn...

De : Cesar

178 – 29 août -  Canicule   Vous savez sans doute qu’on peut mourir de chaleur (insuffisance rénale, insuffisance cardiaque, lésions au cerveau). Ces réactions peuvent être le résultat d’une défaillance de la circulation sanguine (l’ischémie) ou encore d’une dégradation des cellules. J’ai connu un cas malheureux de cette nature. Il s’agit de la sœur Glémot qu’on a trouvée morte dans son fauteuil en fin de soirée. En cas de vague de chaleur, on recommande de ne pas attendre les premiers signes d’effets de la canicule tels que des nausées, des crampes et des maux de tête pour se protéger. Il faut au contraire rester au frais et boire beaucoup d’eau. C’est essentiel pour les personnes âgées. 179 – 29 août -  Je partage ici cette petite chanson de Gabin. Quand j'étais gosse, haut comme trois pommes Je parlais bien fort pour être un homme. Je disais, JE SAIS, JE SAIS, JE SAIS, JE SAIS.   C'était le début, c'était le printemps Mais quand j'ai eu mes dix-huit ans J'ai ...