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Showing posts from 2017

Rendezvous With Rama

Rendezvous with Rama by Arthur C. Clarke My rating: 4 of 5 stars This is the second time that I have read this book. I've seen others reviews. And I come to the conclusion that the younger readers who have read this book, are expecting something else. This book was written by a scientist and one is going to find hardcore science. The laws of physics don't change but we do understand them better. This particular book looks at those laws as it was understood by the science of the time. Just recently in the news, we read about an extrasolar system object. It came and it left. Can one imagine it to be an artificial object like Rama? View all my reviews

My Father Was Right I Was Wrong

Rant of the Day: Good morning. For some reason, probably due to my own misunderstanding I thought I was going to finish the Linux certification this semester. I just realized that I will be missing three of the courses to finish CIS-284, CIS-288, CIS-289. The problem I'm having is that I am informed the Trades Act/ TAA I would be done by the semester. I will have no more funding for any course after this semester is over. I was originally a CST student. When the trades act realize I will not finish this semester CST due to my failures in mathematics they advised me just to finish the Linux certification because they will yank my funding. We All thought I would be done. Including my advisors. Well people, it seems, for now, I won't be able to finish the associate degree, and I won't be able to finish the certification. Two years and a half a full-time being a full-time student and I ended up just like my father said I would end up being a piece of____. When I came...

I Had a Seizure Today And I want to Die (the dying part is a figure of speech)

I am going to put this in a blog format because I know that on Facebook many do not like to read long stories. This morning I went to walk my dogs at Whitman Square Park here in Camden New Jersey. Boe acts up and yanks hard for some reason or another. I end up hurting my back trying to get him under control. The pain from my back spreads to my chest and of course when I got home I took my normal pain medication. When I take the pain medication I delay in taking my epilepsy medication they don't mix well. I get ready for college and off I go. Norma needed to go to work a little bit early she works at the same College that I am attending. So I decided to study in my car and Norma goes to her office. Then it hits. A severe pain right in the middle of the chest. As you may know, I don't trust the signals I get from my body because of my neurological disorder. I get phantom pains from time to time. I was a bit concerned because I had class at 10, so I ignore the pain keep on st...


Ringworld by Larry Niven My rating: 3 of 5 stars I liked the book. It dealt with Dyson Sphere environment. I found interesting the concept of the Pierson puppeteers. Apparently, they were into manipulating humans and Kzinti for their own purposes. What I found interesting also that the Kizinti appears in other books and is even in the Star Trek universe. View all my reviews

Deep Time by Ian Douglus

Deep Time by Ian Douglas My rating: 4 of 5 stars I'm drawn to Douglas's book series for its unapologetic hardcore science focus. It's devoid of any fantasy elements, as I've gleaned from his other works. The portrayal of aliens as truly alien, without any anthropomorphic traits, is a testament to his dedication to scientific accuracy. In my view, artificial intelligence doesn't pose a threat to humanity. However, the fundamental drivers of human behavior persist. Social prejudices stemming from class distinctions endure, and conflicts often revolve around resource disputes or misunderstandings. Douglas's books, including this one, spark our imagination, offering glimpses of what humanity could become through responsible technology utilization. 📚🔬🤖 #ScienceFiction #DouglasSeries #FutureOfHumanity View all my reviews

Modesty is a must for those with Epilepsy and Math Blindness (Dyscalculia)

Greetings to the members of this epilepsy and dyscalculia forum. You may have remembered that about 2 years ago, I wrote about returning to college because I became a displaced worker at Honeywell Aerospace in Moorestown NJ. Of course, going to school was paid by the government under the Trades Acts. I grabbed at the opportunity to receive a grant I was entitled to. And even though I was aware that I have the intractable epileptic syndrome, which includes myoclonic jerks and focal and left-temporal lobe disorder I really thought that because I was employed for so many years having this disorder, going back to college would not have been that difficult. I was wrong. The major that I chose for college was in line with my professional career, I was an engineering tech in electronics, I worked mostly with Hardware testing and root cause analysis. This time around to complement what I already know I went to the software side which would be part of my major. The course I was taking wa...

The real world don't really help the slightly disabled.

Hello friends and family, Here I go again. The College will not allow a substitution for the remaining math classes because I am failing them due to a disability. Student services recommended for me to change major. However, I only have two semesters to go to finish it. I am just behind in math that's it. The trade Act is now reviewing my transcripts and I guess they will determine if I stay in the program or not. They do understand that I have a disability. That is not the problem. The problem is that there are new rules in place. Me trying to be an honest Christian I have given them all my paperwork regarding the disability and college transcripts. I told TRA/TAA I have worked all my life with this disability and I have done very well. It is not my fault that the companies I worked for in the high-tech industries have a tendency to leave the country and search of cheaper labor with the same qualities of my profession. Also, I cannot control the aging process. I refuse to go on we...

An article for my health class "Should Euthanasia be Legal?"

A very good question that has been asked for many years. Should euthanasia be legal? I believe it should. There are a lot of people that believe it should be legal. If I was suffering from a terminal disease, and my pain could not be managed that would be the route I would like to go. The problem is a social-economic one. If my pain could be managed even if I was terminal then I would like nature to take its course. But I also have to figure out what will be the cost to my family and would my insurance company cover the medical aspect of pain management and hospice. I suspect, but I could be wrong, that the hospital industry and the insurance industry would be against euthanasia. As long as I am alive I am making money for somebody. Once I am dead that's it the buck stops after my burial. If one thinks about it the same system applied to pets. There are occasions where there is a solution to a pet illness. However one just can't afford to pay for medication or long-term trea...

Equality for Students with disabilities? In my experiance I don't think so.

I Just came home from the college, and things are not looking that well. The problem I am going to confront is the inability of completing my Major because of my Math disability. Student services received the letter from my neurologist; they really cannot find any substitute for the math courses I need. I am doing great in the other courses that I need to take for the major but I am failing math with a valid reason. I have to return back to the college to talk to me director of the major that I am taking to see if he has any solutions. I was told about one student who had a similar disability, had to take one course at least 6 times that means two years of taking the same course over and over again. I do not have a problem with this if I had to do the same thing but it wouldn't be economically feasible because I am going to school on a government entitlement grant. I do understand the college point of view they don't want to become a paper mill college. They basically funct...

Yesteryear... Another Assignment for Health class on STD's

1)Given that all STDs are predominantly in the 15-24 age group and that many do not manifest symptoms, what can be done to help mitigate the spread of these diseases? It would be nice if one said education. But we all know education has not stopped or mitigated STDs. The media the commercial media promote sex at they promote taking a cup of coffee in the morning. How many Americans are aware that coffee is addictive? My personal opinion is that big pharmaceutical corporations would not be happy if a real solution to STDs would be found. As long as coffee exist people will drink it. As long as the media promote sex is the greatest thing since sliced bread, teenagers and young adults will engage in it. And as long as big pharmaceutical companies can make a profit off of STDs. You won't see any effort in the media to reveal the truth of how devastating having one of these diseases can be. In fact, you don't see much about HIV anymore. One commercial here one commercial there. ...
Five Internet Changes that would be Beneficial The five changes that would be influential to the internet has to do more with people than technology. First, I would like to see parental responsibility where parents have a balanced viewpoint of internet technologies with their children followed by institutional responsibility, institutions such as schools and so forth at colleges and Universities, third commercial responsibility and then government accountability and personal accountability. When studying the five changes that I would like to see with the internet it is essential to consider the role of parents and children. There are many tools that have been developed to be used by parents and by children. For the parents, there is Hardware and software to monitor their kids some of the software and hardware assist parents to basically spy on their kid's activity while on the internet. If you search the web you will see many different types of tools for this one activity...

Poor Decisions

About two years ago I made a decision to return to school when I got laid off from Honeywell Aerospace. The job that I had at Honeywell Aerospace was outsourced to a company in Mexico. This wasn't the first time that I have lost a job to cheap labor in another country under NAFTA. I believe I have lost my job 3 times thanks to NAFTA My reasoning at the time was based on the fact that my line of work would be outsourced or moved outside of the country and I realized that as I get older it would have been more difficult to find work at least at the salary that I needed for day-to-day living. Not to mention that the opportunity of finding the same job that I have trained for when I went to University the first time was not really in demand. Technology is in demand all the time but not my line of work. I am an engineering tech for electronics, or what was called back in the day an Electronic Technician By returning to college to update my skills I was trying to be marketable...

Mi coche, mi Auto, mi Carro, mi Pedazo de Estiercol

Hace como una semana y media se me apagó mi coche en el expreso cerca de mi hogar. Por ende lo lleve a un mecánico bueno y me lo arreglo. Se me dañó la cadena de tiempo y tambien se dañó una válvula también. La bomba de agua ya no servía y pues fue reemplazado. Lamentablemente ya el coche no corre como antes y no tengo fondos para conseguir una en mejor estado así pues tendré que seguir usando lo que tengo hasta que muere como un caballo viejo sin diente sin rabo. Esa es la vida del pobre... Por cierto no me estoy quejando sencillamente mis aventuras con mi coche minusválido

Social media and Me

Good day to everybody reading this blog. My college professor has asked my fellow students and me to write about the effects of our interaction with Social Media in a Blog. Reading the material and watching the YouTube videos is extensive; one may has noticed that most of them are repetitive. I say this because my bread-and-butter is the internet and technologies related to related to it, Which is why I returned to college. Updating my skills will keep me employed. Social media to me are just ISP's intranet. Working in the business, one will understand what one is trying to say so I won't go into details because then again I will bore you. Each social media intranet evolved from the BBS systems and mailing list systems. When I worked at Sprint building hardware for the internet, social media already existed. One former pre-social media format was Usenet another was Bitnet and I made good use of those, of course, they were mostly text-oriented. Social media today is ...
CIS-191-OL5: ITT (On-line): Life without the Internet  After reading this week's material and watching the videos, they brought back memories of the days when I was growing up. I can basically affirm what life was before the commercial internet. I grew up in the 60s and 70s and my background is electronic technology, in fact, I work for companies that were already using the internet before it became commercial, but I digress let me write to you about those days. The internet is about one thing and only one thing, the transmission of information or data at lightning speed. In the 60s and the 70s as I recall it we had technologies that enable communications in the transmission of data. Let me give you an example. I played chess with my cousin via snail mail back then it was just known as postal mail. It took about a week to make a move and of course, you had to write the move played. My cousin had his chess board out, as well as I. It took months to play a game.  Today with the in...

The Haunting of Dead Demons

I know most of you will call this a “Pity Party”. It is not, but regardless many of you will still call it so, Well... here we go again, I failed the first of the algebraic concepts test, and in my frustration, I called myself a "retard". There is a story behind this... you may have read it before. Well now that I've vented and got the anger out of the way. It seems that I'm still being persecuted by demons. Even though one of those demons was cremated two months ago. Yeah by today's standards what you will read would have been considered mental and verbal abuse but in the 60"s and 70's it was quite normal. Here is how it went, not perfectly but who has a perfect memory? Father: " why did you get an "F" in class?" (F=Fair, more like a C" Son: " the teacher said it was a passing grade and I'm doing good" Father: " the teacher is a moron he gets paid the same whether you get an A or an F. You...

Walking My Dog in the City

Walking the dog in my city is about as dangerous as walking in the city by yourself. A few days ago I woke up and it seems I would be late for college if I drove outside of the city to walk my dogs. So I decided to walk my dogs around my block to save time. Yeah, I know, I could get shot, but everybody run that risk in my city, and since we don't have vigilantes like The Arrow well... For those who are familiar with dogs, one knows that dogs basically see with their nose. Most of the time they are going to put their nose into everything. That's why it's risky to walk dogs in my city. My house is across the street from a school and it is a few houses down from a bar. The street behind me is a point where drugs are sold. I guess by now you know where I'm headed. Due to the transit of addicts and drunks, as well as children who may not see their parents for over 12 hours a day, the area is full of litter 24/7. While the city does make an effort to clean up. They can...

I had my Math test today...Epilepsy had other plans.

Today, I had my algebraic concept final test and I failed. Of course, my body sabotaged my efforts. This seems to be the norm with everything I do. That is when "everything I do" is extremely important and "the everything I do" maybe a life changer. Passing a math course is a life changer. So let me describe how it went today. Keep this note in mind I studied the entire weekend and the more I study things got more complicated As I wrote many times before, my neurologist and gastroenterologist have repeatedly told me that when my brain acts up my gut will too. When I take any other academic tests I usually don't get sick. I have taken all my meds and then I take life day by day. As I mentioned in previous posts on the internet maybe Facebook or G Plus, I have a few abnormalities in the brain. These abnormalities affect my behavior and my thought processes. It is not that bad but I perceive and understand things a little bit differently and that is why I may ...

Is the "Blue Whale" game killing kids?

I look into this as I look into other rumors and what I have found while disturbing, in reality, is just a rumor. For example, there has not been any verification of a person who has played the game and died ( well you can quote the internet... but....) Most children who have committed suicide, we're already suicidal, to begin with, and these kids have posted in advance that they were suicidal way before they ran into or discovered the game. The Posting on social media about "blue whale" has the intent to direct parents to look out for their children and to make sure that they are aware of what their children are doing on the internet through their electronic devices. This is called "social engineering" Many parents really don't watch their children as they go online on their devices but when they see a rumor like this they rapidly do so. They also know that their kids might be depressed and have attempted suicide before. Of course when a child does...

Why We Discourage Religion topics on the Advanced Cosmology And Physics group (Facebook)

This blog is dedicated to Facebook cosmology moderated group. If you are reading this. You belong to that group I think. I know many of you are upset about certain rules, one of the rules is " no religion" . Before I go onto explaining the reason for this particular rule. I want to let you know I am a religious person. I believe in God and I believe he's the creator . Yet in the cosmology group, I will remove and sometimes I will ban anybody that starts a thread about religion just as my fellow moderators would do. The fact that I'm writing about this now in a Blog and not inside the group per se should demonstrate my point. I have you know that about two decades or more I have participated in a theological debate about creation and evolution. Just do a search on / Jabriol. That being said, I do have a background in science, and I constantly return to college to keep my knowledge and skills updated. It is my personal experience on Usenet that mot...

Elon Musk Neuralink

Hi, my name is Tony I am a... Well you know. Actually Tony is short for Antonio. I thought if you were reading this you should know, not that anybody really cares. Anyhow, I am a ferocious reader of science-fiction. I like to read. For many years I could remember every single book that I've read. Unfortunately, I cannot do so anymore. However, if I read a science article sometimes I can associate it with a science fiction book that I have read and I like to talk about it. For example, here is the link to an article that I have recently read on the internet: Recently I have posted a blog on a book that I read called "Psychohistorical Crisis." without getting into too many details one aspect of the book has to do with the characters. They carry a device called a familiar, or a "fam" for short. I can't recall if it was a mechanical or an organic device. Th...

Pyschohistorical crisis

This book was difficult to read. It took me a few years to read it. The reason is(IMHO) because it's part of the foundation series but it is not authorized by the Isaac Asimov estate. It gave me a hard time to relate to the time and places in the Asimov Foundation universe. I don't think that I will ever read a book in this fashion again, for me at my age it is just time-consuming.


Murphy's law has always fascinated me. These variations of his law should be amusing to everybody. MURPHY'S OTHER 15 LAWS 1. Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak. 2. A fine is a tax for doing wrong. A tax is a fine for doing well. 3. He who laughs last, thinks slowest. 4. A day without sunshine is like, well, night. 5. Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine. 6. Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't. 7. Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool. 8. The 50-50-90 rule: Anytime you have a 50-50 chance of getting something right, there's a 90% probability you'll get it wrong. 9. It is said that if you line up all the cars in the world end-to-end, someone from California would be stupid enough to try to pass them. 10. If the shoe fits, get another one just like it. 11. The things that come to those who wait, may be the things l...